Supplementary Planning Documents and Guidance
We have prepared a number of Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs), which are non-statutory documents that provide further guidance on how policies or proposals set out in the adopted Local Plan Documents will be implemented. SPDs replaced what was known as Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPGs) in 2004, however our adopted SPGs remain material considerations in planning decisions.
Development Viability in Planning: Guidance for Applicants
We have prepared a guidance for applicants on matters relating to viability. This includes key principles, details of what a financial viability assessment should include and the priorities relating to affordable housing within Wandsworth.
This guidance will provide greater clarity to applicants when preparing planning applications and help to streamline the decision-making process.
Raising the Bar: Early Community Engagement Guidance for Applicants
We have prepared early community engagement guidance to support high quality pre-application engagement for development schemes. This sets out our expectations that the process should start early, is consistent and support the delivery of high-quality places across Wandsworth. The process should be transparent and clearly connected to the design and decision-making process.
The guidance supports and is in accordance with our Developer protocol 2023, which sets out how we will work with developers to maximise development of social homes for rent.
Using the guidance
The guidance is intended for applicants and developers of major schemes (10+ dwellings), but acknowledges there are some schemes which may also apply that aren’t major schemes.
Find out about making a planning application.
Preparing the Clapham Junction urban heart masterplan
We are working with partners to develop a masterplan SPD for Clapham Junction station and the surrounding urban area.
This masterplan will be a document and policy guide which shapes our collective vision of how the area will look in the future. Using the knowledge and input of communities, the masterplan will help guide decisions on future land use development in the area to ensure it delivers the best outcomes for Clapham Junction. This area of focus is identified in the Local Plan (2023-2038) as the Area Strategy for Clapham Junction and York Road/Winstanley Regeneration Area.
Publication of the Wandsworth Town Framework for Delivery 2022
To support our Inclusive Growth recovery plan, we have produced the Wandsworth Town Framework for Delivery 2022. The purpose of the Framework is to maximise the potential that exists in Wandsworth Town and its surrounding area to thrive. The Framework identifies positive actions that can be taken to support the council’s overarching objectives, Wandle Delta SPD and emerging Wandsworth Local Plan.
The Framework is intended to act as a guide for focusing resources and, where appropriate, investment by the Council and its partners to bring forward actions that are complementary to, and will help to maximise the benefits of, new development. This includes identifying where a more strategic approach is needed to support the achievement of site-specific requirements which will be of benefit to the Town Centre and surrounding area.
Adoption of the Wandle Delta Masterplan SPD 2021
The Wandle Delta Masterplan SPD was adopted on 28 September 2021 (Adoption Statement). The SPD identifies how best to take forward the comprehensive redevelopment of a number of sites, lying to the north of Wandsworth Town Centre and south of the River Thames. It provides guidance and enables co-ordination between the individual sites; facilitating high quality place-making while protecting and enhancing the role of the River Wandle. It is a material consideration when assessing planning applications within the borough.
A public consultation on the draft Wandle Delta Masterplan SPD was held from 15 February to 21 March 2021.
Adoption of the Planning Obligations SPD 2020
The Planning Obligations SPD was adopted on 2 October 2020. This document sets out our policies and procedures for securing site-specific Section 106 developer contributions alongside the Borough’s CIL. It is a material consideration when assessing planning applications within the borough, and replaces the previous Planning Obligations SPD, which was adopted in March 2015.
A public consultation on the draft Planning Obligations SPD was held from 31 January to 28 February 2020. View more information on the consultation on the Planning Policy Consultation webpage.
Adopted SPDs
- Wandle Delta Masterplan SPD (adopted September 2021):
- Low resolution version
- High resolution version (very large file size, 59MB)
- Housing SPD (adopted November 2016)
- Historic Environment SPD (adopted November 2016)
- Lombard Road/York Road Riverside Focal Point SPD (adopted December 2015)
- Roehampton SPD (adopted October 2015)
- Planning Obligations SPD (adopted October 2020)
- A Planning Obligations Calculator has been developed alongside the Planning Obligations SPD. This uses the formulas set out in the SPD to help applicants calculate the contributions required for a proposed development. It is intended to be used as a starting point for discussions, and all final contributions should be confirmed with the Council.
- We have produced guidance (December 2018) on the use of Arts and Culture Provision in the Lombard Road/York Road Riverside Focal Point Area. The guidance compliments and supports existing policy. It further develops policy set out in the Lombard Road/York Road Riverside Focal Point SPD 2015 (Focal Point SPD) and the Wandsworth’s Planning Obligations SPD.
- Town Centre Uses SPD (adopted March 2015)
- Refuse and Recyclables SPD (adopted February 2014)
- Local Views SPD (adopted February 2014)
Supplementary Planning Guidance
We have produced a Population Yield Calculator which can be used by developers to assess the number of residents expected to result from proposed new development. This assists in the negotiation of planning obligations.
We have also provided further non-legal guidance on planning and other matters relating to basement extensions, which refers to the guidance given in the Housing SPD. The Planning Portal website provides the most up-to-date information on permitted development rights including an interactive householder guide.
We have produced the Wandsworth Town Framework For Delivery 2022. The Framework identifies positive actions that can be taken to support the council’s overarching objectives, Wandle Delta SPD and emerging Wandsworth Local Plan.
Adopted supplementary planning guidance
- Shopfronts (adopted November 1988)
- You may also wish to refer to the Security for shops: Design guidelines, which, while not an adopted SPG, can help you in creating a secure shopfront.