Draft Local Plan: Full Review

Wandsworth Local PlanKeeping the borough's Local Plan up to date is a priority for the Council. Local policies and site allocations need to be based on up to date evidence in order to be effective and robust. The imperative to review the Local Plan has also increased in the previous few years as there have been a number of changes in national and regional policy; for example, with respect to planning for increased housing targets. We have therefore undertaken a full review of the policies and site allocations in the Local Plan to ensure they are achieving the outcomes required to make Wandsworth a great place to live and work in.

Timeline and process of the Full Review

The table below sets out the various stages of updating a Local Plan, as set out in the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012. In planning, these stages are often informally referred to by the regulation number that requires it, which is referenced in brackets. The timetable describes what happens at each stage. Please click on the links for more information about each stage, including when the Council either undertook or plans to undertake this work.

Stage What happens Timeline
Consultation on the Issues document (Regulation 18)

A public consultation is held to invite comments on the key planning issues facing Wandsworth, and the proposed scope and contents of the new Local Plan. The feedback is used to shape the production of the first draft Local Plan.

A ‘Call for Sites’ is held inviting stakeholders to submit information on sites that could be suitable for development.

December 2018 to February 2019

Consultation on the ‘Pre-Publication’ Local Plan (Regulation 18)

The Planning Policy team produced an updated suite of evidence base documents relating to a wide range of topics. The findings of these studies were used alongside the feedback from the 'Issues' consultation and the Call for Sites (see above) to produce a ‘Pre-Publication’ Local Plan. This is the first draft of the Local Plan and sets out initial and preferred policies and sites for development.

A public consultation was held on these documents, inviting feedback from a range of stakeholders, such as residents, development professionals and neighbouring boroughs.

A public consultation on the draft Local Plan was held from 4 January to 1 March 2021

Consultation on the ‘Publication’ Local Plan (Regulation 19)

Using the feedback submitted from the consultation on the ‘Pre-Publication’ version, a revised draft of the Local Plan has been created. This is referred to as the ‘Publication’ version and is what we intend to submit to the Planning Inspectorate (known as 'PINS', which acts on behalf of the Secretary of State) to be examined for 'soundness' and legal and procedural compliance.

Before that, the Local Plan is made available for another round of public consultation, providing the opportunity for stakeholders to submit further feedback. In accordance with the relevant legislation, representations made at this stage should focus on issues of soundness and legal and procedural compliance.


A public consultation was held from 10 January to 28 February 2022


The ‘Publication’ Local Plan - along with the evidence that underpins it and all of the feedback received in the various public consultation events - is submitted to the PINS, acting on behalf of the Secretary of State.

29 April 2022


Independent Planning Inspectors have been appointed to examine the Plan, the evidence supporting it and comments made on it from the public consultations. The Inspectors have held hearings to discuss the ‘soundness’ of the Plan. Modifications to the plan have now been proposed by the Inspectors following the hearing sessions. The Inspectors have provided their Examination Report and found the Local Plan to be sound subject to main modifications. See the examination library for the Inspectors’ Report and the Schedule of Main Modifications.

Examination hearings were held in November 2022

Current stage

Adoption of the New Local Plan

The new Local Plan is adopted by the Council, replacing the existing Local Plan.

19 July 2023

The timetable above replicates that set out in the Wandsworth Local Development Scheme (February 2022).

Local Plan Consultations - how to get involved

Writing the Wandsworth Local Plan involves extensive evidence gathering, public consultations and joint working with neighbouring authorities and partners. The approach to public engagement taken by us in developing the Local Plan is set out in our Statement of Community Involvement.

If you would like to be kept up to date on the progress of the Local Plan full review, including when public consultations are taking place, please register your details by emailing planningpolicy@wandsworth.gov.uk.


Email: planningpolicy@wandsworth.gov.uk

Planning Policy
Environment and Community Services
Town Hall
Wandsworth High Street
SW18 2PU