Conservation areas - frequently asked questions

Read frequently asked questions about conservation areas.

What is a conservation area?

Conservation areas are defined as 'areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance'. The key legislation relating to the designation and protection of conservation areas is the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

Once an area has been designated as a conservation area, any works which require planning permission within a conservation area become subject to local conservation policies set out in our Local Plan and national policies outlined in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Our overarching duty, as set out in the Act, is to preserve or enhance the historic or architectural character or appearance of the conservation area.

Wandsworth currently contains 46 conservation areas which range from historic villages such as Battersea Square and large 20th century social housing like the Alton Estates in Roehampton. 

How do I find out if I live or own a business in a conservation area?

You can find out if your building is situated within a conservation area through our online map service.

What is a Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan?

Conservation Area Appraisals are produced by the Council and seek to describe the special architectural and historic character of the conservation area and those positive elements which are encouraged to be conserved. The documents seek to assist applicants who are considering making planning applications for works in a conservation area and to assist in the process of assessing and deciding on planning applications.

Management Plans provide guidance to applicants and owners on how positive change and good quality design within conservation areas can conserve or enhance its special character or appearance. Management Plans also identify if additional planning controls are needed or are in place to protect the character and appearance of conservation areas from permitted development such as Article 4 Directions.

View a list of the most up to date Conservation Area Appraisals we have produced, which includes links to the relevant documents.

We have an agreed programme for updating the existing Conservation Area Appraisals for the Borough. Keep an eye out on the website for upcoming consultations for these in the next few months.

What does the designation mean if I live in or own a business in a conservation area?

Conservation area designation gives us additional planning control over certain works to buildings, which are set out below.


Planning permission is required to demolish an unlisted building (115 cubic metres in volume or more) completely or substantially within a conservation area, prior to the work being carried out. Planning permission is also required for the demolition of a boundary wall, gate, fence, or any other means of enclosure over one metre high where it fronts a highway (including public roads and footpaths, bridleways and unadopted streets or private ways), or two metres in height or more in any other case.

It is important to note that Conservation Area Consent for such works is no longer needed and only planning permission for demolition in a conservation area is now required.

Permitted Development Rights

The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order (GPDO) sets out permitted development rights (PDR) which allow householders to improve and extend their homes without the need to apply for planning permission, subject to a number of conditions. These largely relate to the external appearance of an unlisted single residential dwelling or House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) up to six beds.

Some permitted development rights however are restricted within conservation areas and planning permission is needed for some works which affect the external appearance of the building. Those applicable to single residential dwellings are included below, however it is important to note that permitted development rights do not apply to flats, or houses that have been converted to flats, and therefore any external changes to these buildings would require planning permission.

  • Raising the ridge of the roof and/or expanding the size of a roof
  • Introduction of cladding (including render) to the external faces of the building (unless repairing existing). Changing existing cladding will also require planning permission, such as changing from roughcast to smooth render
  • Installation of satellite dishes on an elevation fronting a highway, on a chimney, and on a building over 15 metres high
  • Front and side extensions of one storey or more, and two storey rear extensions
  • Erection of detached ancillary buildings, sheds, or stores to the front or side of the dwelling house
  • Installing a dormer window to the roof
  • Replacing windows or doors with those of a different appearance (excluding painting of existing doors/windows)

The above list in not exhaustive. When considering applications for planning permission within a conservation area, we have a duty to give special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of that area. We would encourage the submission of a pre-application request, where advice can be sought from the Council on the acceptability of a proposal before a full planning application is submitted.

Permitted development rights applicable to shops and commercial premises are generally restricted to:

Furthermore, some conservation areas are subject to an Article 4(2) Direction, which removes certain permitted development rights, further details of which are set out below.

Can I paint the outside walls to my house?

Painting the exterior of an unlisted single residential dwelling or HMO is considered to be permitted development and therefore planning permission is not required unless an Article 4 (2) Direction has been introduced within the conservation area which restricts such works.

However, we would not encourage the painting of façades where it is not a common feature of the conservation area as a whole and the predominant character is that of a consistent use of unpainted brick, stone and/or terracotta.

Can I change my windows and doors to uPVC?

The majority of conservation areas within the borough feature traditional timber framed sash windows or original crittal windows, which have a positive impact on the appearance of individual buildings and the wider area, as do later replacement windows in a matching material. Original timber doors or replacements in traditional materials make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the conservation area and will always be preferred.

The change of windows and doors to an unlisted single residential dwelling or HMO is considered to be permitted development. However, the legislation states that when it comes to such works, the materials used must be of a similar appearance to those used in the original construction of the dwelling house. The design of the replacements should also be similar in terms of glazing pattern and style. Therefore, plastic looking windows and doors are not likely to be acceptable replacements to timber or crittal windows or timber doors as they do not replicate the traditional construction detail or materials found in the conservation area.

It is encouraged that residents retain and repair existing original timber or crittal windows and doors wherever possible. This is best for the environment, for the character and appearance of the area, and is often a more inexpensive solution to complete replacement. Simple modifications can often be carried out internally which improves the weatherproofing of a door or window without impacting its external appearance.

If replacement windows are required, all aspects of the window should be considered including opening type, glazing bar pattern, horns to sashes, and depth. We would also encourage the use of secondary glazing as it forms an unobtrusive option that increases efficiency without the need to replace original windows.

Replacement timber frames are not only the most appropriate option, but a natural material which helps reduce the use of single-use plastics, often found in other windows. Timber windows also have the benefit of being more cost effective, being much more durable and repairable than alternatives, and there are options to maintain their appearance while introducing energy saving and noise reducing features. Double and triple glazing can be inserted into timber frames which help maintain a consistent appearance with the benefits to secondary glazing or uPVC but with a more visually acceptable appearance that is unlikely to require planning permission.

If a replacement door is required, then it should match the original door of the property or be sufficiently similar in material and style as per the conditions of legislation. Existing styles of doors in the area generally manage to reflect the architectural style in which they are set, and original examples make a great contribution to the character of the area.

Please note that flats and houses converted to flats do not benefit from permitted development rights and therefore planning permission will always be needed to change doors and windows. 

If you are in any doubt that the replacement windows and doors are sufficiently similar to the existing to meet the threshold of permitted development, it is recommended to seek a Lawful Development Certificate. This is not the same as planning permission but is proof that your household building work is lawful. Alternatively, you can contact us for more detailed advice through the pre-application process.

Those living in a conservation area where an Article 4 Direction is in place must always seek planning permission from the Council.

What are trickle vents and how do they work?

Trickle vents are passive ventilation devices which help prevent moisture build-up within buildings by allowing it to escape and can help remove the associated problems of damp, condensation and mould. They also allow fresh air into the building and stale air out. Other benefits of trickle vents are the security afforded by not having to open windows, and the health benefits of alleviating asthma and helping expel air containing dust particles and germs. The benefits of trickle vents are experienced all year round, particularly to allow cool air into the building and to allow moisture out, from use of showers, tumble dryers and dishwashers.

Trickle vents are located either above the window sash boxes or casement frames or are surface mounted on the windows themselves. The most usual type is surface mounted, and these can be visually intrusive. Trickle vents can also be concealed in the frames so that they are not visible externally (except by looking directly up from close quarters at the vents concealed in the window frames), and which does not affect their performance.

Are trickle vents required in conservation areas?

Part F of the Building Regulations was updated from 15 June 2022 to make trickle vents mandatory for all complete replacement windows and doors in England. There are a number of exceptions, however.

What are the exceptions to the 2022 legislation?

If you live in a listed building or in a building in a conservation area and are replacing your windows, they do not need to meet Part F. This is because of the requirement to preserve the character of listed buildings and buildings in conservation areas. In such cases a FENSA certificate will not be issued for replacement windows, but since such properties are exempt from Part F a certificate would not be required. On selling or buying property a solicitor will usually ask for a FENSA certificate if windows have been replaced. If the building is a listed building or in a conservation area and therefore exempt, you will not need to provide a certificate or request one from the vendor of a property.

Further exceptions exist if the windows are not being replaced in their entirety, i.e. if only the sashes themselves are being replaced or the opening parts of a casement, leaving the sash boxes or casement frames in situ. Repairs are also exempt, as is secondary glazing. The further exceptions in this paragraph apply to all windows, regardless of whether they are installed in listed buildings or in conservation areas, as they are not affected by Part F and are therefore exempt.

However, if your existing windows have trickle vents, any replacements will also require them to be fitted. These will be better achieved using concealed vents.

Acceptable trickle vents for use in conservation areas

Due to the availability of more discreet trickle vents which are hidden in sash boxes and casement frames, trickle vents can be acceptable for use in buildings in conservation areas, and in some cases for listed buildings. We are unlikely to approve the use of conventional surface mounted trickle vents as these are visually intrusive and do not preserve the character or appearance of historic buildings. The acceptability of trickle vents will depend on the design of the windows in question and how trickle vents can be concealed so that they are not visible or intrusive, and thereby preserve the character and appearance of the building. This can be covered as part of the planning process, either through a planning or listed building consent application, or both where required. We can provide further information and advice either as part of a pre-application process or at application stage.

Can I take down my front wall to create a hardstanding to park my car?

Planning permission is required to remove a front boundary wall over 1 metre in height where it fronts the highway or footpath and are not likely to be permitted if it is considered harmful to the character and appearance of the conservation area. This is due to the sense of enclosure and consistency of the front boundary treatments, many of which can be original to the property.

Permission is also required from the Council if the works require a dropped kerb and changes to the pavement in front of the property.

What is an Article 4(2) Direction?

Some conservation areas within the borough are subject to Article 4(2) Directions. These are put in place to restrict certain works to the exterior of single residential dwellings which would otherwise be considered permitted development. Our power to make and confirm an Article 4 Direction is under Article 4 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015. These directions are put in place to protect a conservation area from certain works which would have an impact on, and harm its appearance and character.

An Article 4 Direction does not prevent the development in the area to which it has been applied. It instead requires that planning permission is first obtained from the Council.

How do I find out if my property is affected by an Article 4 Direction?

Those conservation areas which are currently subject to Article 4 Directions are listed below and include a link to the relevant content of the direction.

It is important to check the relevant works which are subject to the Article 4 Direction for the particular conservation area. Some of the directions may only cover certain parts of the conservation area and may be limited to certain works.

It is also helpful to refer to the relevant Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan, which will provide guidance on what might be considered acceptable in terms of alterations and improvements that are subject to the relevant direction, such as changing windows and doors.

Does conservation area designation affect trees?

Trees within conservation areas form an important part of its character and appearance and may also form part of a Registered Historic Park and Garden. As such, they are protected as part of the designation. Anyone wishing to undertake any works to cut down or prune a tree within a conservation area (not protected by a Tree Preservation Order) are required to give us six weeks prior written notice using a section 211 notice. View tree works application forms.

We have six weeks to notify you if they object. If we object to proposed works, we must make a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) to extend the protection to the trees. If you do not hear from us after the given time frame, then you can undertake the planned works.

Many trees within conservation areas are also subject to a Tree Preservation Order which protect trees, groups of trees or woodlands of high amenity value. A TPO application must be submitted to us for any works to a tree covered by a TPO. This covers felling, pruning, and root pruning. How to submit a TPO.

Carrying out works to a TPO tree or trees in a conservation area without the necessary permission is a criminal offence and could result in criminal proceedings being brought against the property owner or those carrying out the works.