Draft Local Plan: Publication version

Wandsworth Local Plan

We have produced the second draft of the new Local Plan, which is known as the 'Publication' version.

The Local Plan sets out a vision and spatial strategy to guide the development of the borough from 2023, when the Plan is anticipated to be adopted, to 2038. It sets out key objectives for the borough, which are supported by planning policies, area strategies and (at the smallest scale) detailed guidance for the development of specific sites. Collectively, these identify where development should be targeted and set out how the borough's neighbourhoods and places will change over the next 15 years.

This draft has been informed by the responses we received on the public consultation held on the first draft of the new Local Plan, referred to as the Pre-Publication version, from 4 January to 1 March 2021, as well as by the findings of our updated evidence base, input from focused consultation events and feedback from colleagues across the Council.

The Publication Local Plan is the final draft of the Local Plan produced by the Council before it is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS), which acts on behalf of the Secretary of State. It is the role of PINS to examine the Local Plan to consider whether it meets various tests of 'soundness', as well as for legal and procedural compliance with the relevant regulations. As a result of the examination, PINS may recommend that further changes to the Plan are necessary before it can be adopted by the Council.

Prior to the examination, the Publication Local Plan was being made available for a public consultation process. Comments received as part of this process are submitted to PINS alongside the Local Plan. The drafting of and consultation on the Publication Local Plan forms the third stage of the full review of the borough's Local Plan.

Consultation on the Publication Local Plan

The Publication Draft Local Plan was made available for a public consultation from Monday 10 January to Monday 28 February 2022. The views of the community are at the heart of the planning process and this consultation provides another opportunity to comment on the Local Plan. It is open to everyone, irrespective of whether you have previously submitted comments.

At this stage of the plan-making process, in accordance with national guidance, it was requested that consultation responses focus on the draft Local Plan's legal and procedural compliance, including the duty to cooperate, and the 'soundness' of the plan. There are four different tests of soundness, which require the Local Plan to be:

  • Positively prepared - it provides a strategy which, as a minimum, seeks to meet the area’s objectively assessed needs and is informed by agreements with other authorities
  • Justified - it is based on an appropriate strategy, taking into account the reasonable alternatives, and is based on proportionate evidence
  • Effective - it is deliverable over the plan period, and is based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic matters
  • Consistent with national policy - to enable to delivery of sustainable development

The tests of soundness are identified in paragraph 35 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). We produced a guidance note which provides further information in support of the consultation.

The consultation was held on the following documents:

Please contact us directly if you require a high resolution version of the Publication Draft Local Plan.

Supporting documents

In addition to the three documents that were consulted on, there are a number of legal and background documents which support the Publication Local Plan:

The Local Plan is also informed by a range of evidence base documents, which have been produced alongside this and the Pre-Publication Local Plan. View the evidence base for the full scope of studies.

Interactive map

We have produced an interactive map which shows the draft policy designations spatially. In this map, you can toggle various layers on and off by checking the boxes in the legend on the left hand side of the screen. Clicking on the map will tell you which draft policies apply in that particular location.

What happens next

Following the public consultation, the responses that have been received will be collated and submitted - alongside the Local Plan, and the supporting and relevant evidence base documents - to PINS, who will consider them as part of the examination process. See the Local Plan timetable for further information on producing a Local Plan.


Email: planningpolicy@wandsworth.gov.uk

Planning Policy
Environment and Community Services
Town Hall
Wandsworth High Street
SW18 2PU