Register to vote

Once you have registered to vote you will be able to cast your vote in person, by post or by proxy at election time.

Application requirements

In order to register to vote you will need to provide your:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • National Insurance number (this can be found on your national insurance card, or on official paperwork such as payslips, or letters about benefits or tax credits)

Register to vote on GOV.UK

All applications are data matched with Government records. Where a match cannot be found, you will be sent a request for 'evidence of identity'. 

If your application is successful, your details will be published on the electoral register. This is updated on a monthly basis (except in October and November).

Applications to register to vote must reach us by midnight, 12 working days before an election.

Who is eligible to vote

To register to vote, you must be aged 16 or over (but you can’t vote until you’re 18 years old), and one of the following:

  • A UK or Irish citizen
  • A qualifying Commonwealth citizen living in the UK
  • A qualifying EU citizen living in the UK (who can only vote at local elections) 

Further information about eligibility can be found on the Electoral Commission’s website: Which elections you can vote in (Electoral Commission).

Can you vote automatically if you qualify?

You can only vote if your name is on the electoral register (also referred to as the voters' list).

If you are concerned about your name appearing on the register

Choose to opt out of the open register

In some cases it is possible to register anonymously.

If you live at more than one address during the year

You can register at more than one address if you are a student studying away from home at college or university, as you can register to vote at both your home and term-time address.

You can also register at two addresses if you have a second home and live there regularly, if your second home is not also in Wandsworth.

Both students and those with a second home have the right to vote in respect of both addresses at the time of a local election but must choose only one address to vote from in respect of national elections.

If you have no fixed address

Register to vote with no fixed address (Electoral Commission website).

If you are a member of the Armed Forces

You can register as a service voter if you are a member of the armed forces or the spouse or civil partner of someone in the armed forces. 

You can find further information and details on how to register as a service voter (Electoral Commission website), including how to vote if you are abroad on the day of an election or referendum.

Keeping your vote if moving abroad

If you are a British citizen and you are thinking of living or working abroad, you may still be able to register to vote at Parliamentary elections from your last address here. Find out about voting from overseas.

Anonymous registration

Some people can apply to be entered anonymously on the electoral register.

Help with registration 

Contact Electoral Services to:

  • Get help if you are unable to register online
  • Have any questions answered

Council Tax and parking permits

Being on the electoral register does not mean you are automatically registered for Council Tax, or that you automatically get a parking permit.

Got a question?

Web chat available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm