Dealing with housing repairs

If your property needs repairs or is not safe contact your landlord about it.

If you rent a private home 

You are a tenant and are responsible for general maintenance, replacing light bulbs, keeping your home tidy and in a good condition. Read this guidance on the rights and responsibilities of tenants and landlords in the private rented sector.

Generally, your landlord is responsible for making sure the structure and exterior of the property, water, gas, electricity and sanitation (e.g. toilet and bathroom), heating and hot water systems and electric wiring are kept in good repair, unless your contract states otherwise.

If there are still problems and repairs have not been carried out or resolved satisfactorily contact the private housing team or report the problem online. You are also advised to read the how to rent guide on GOV.UK.

House in Multiple Occupation (HMO)

If you live in a house share, it may be a HMO and your landlord will have extra responsibilities. The landlord must make sure the property is properly maintained and meets health and safety requirements at all times, this includes ensuring that: 

  • Proper fire safety measures are in place and maintained
  • The property is not overcrowded
  • There are adequate cooking and washing facilities
  • Communal areas and shared facilities are clean and in good repair
  • There are adequate measures to deal with refuse
  • Provide the manager's name, address and telephone number to each household in the HMO and display the same information in a prominent position in it

The government has produced a HMO guidance document covering the new regulations.

Shelter provides advice for tenants of Houses in Multiple Occupation
Fire safety in shared or rented accommodation guidance.

The private sector housing team offers advice, inspection, licensing and enforcement services in relation to HMOs and ensures buildings are safe, in good condition and meets fire safety standards.

Contact your landlord in the first instance, if you have repairs or safety worries. For more detailed information and advice see private housing.