About major works

From time to time we have to carry out major works to your block or estate to keep it in a good state of repair. Major works are normally large projects designed to prolong the life of our housing stock. These include schemes such as external decorations or roof, window and lift renewals.

Throughout the major works process we aim to obtain maximum value for money and ensure the close involvement of tenants and leaseholders in all decisions.

We will consult with you on any major works that we intend to carry out to your block. We will give you an idea of the type of works, expected timescales, costs involved and when you will be expected to pay them.

All residents (tenants and leaseholders) will be invited to a public meeting at a local venue and are invited to give their comments, suggestions and feedback on the initial plans. These meetings are attended by council officers, consultants and local councillors.

Works are subject to a competitive tendering process which ensures we get the best value for money for you.

For more information about major works where you live please check our schedule of future works.

If you are a leaseholder to comply with legislation we must complete two stages of consultation. More information can be found on this in the leaseholder guide.