Wandsworth Stop Smoking Service

Wandsworth Stop Smoking Service offers free help, advice and access to Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and other stop smoking medications to all smokers who live or work in the Wandsworth area.

You are four times more likely to stop smoking for good if you use a local stop smoking service to advise you on the right products to use and offer you regular support and information.

Giving up smoking will improve your health and prevent serious illness.

Receive support to quit smoking

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 Seek help today and take advantage of the following free services for Wandsworth residents:  

  • Tips on managing withdrawal symptoms
  • Tips on coping with smoking triggers
  • Regular carbon monoxide checks
  • Help to resolve problems whilst trying to quit
  • Accurate information on what to expect when trying to quit and how to deal with difficult situations
  • Provide access to stop smoking medications including Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
  • Guidance on what medication to use and how to get the most out of it

Your local GP or pharmacy can help you quit smoking.  

Watch a video showing the harm smoking does.

Drop-in support centres

Find out more about smoking cessation support centres.

Stop Smoking London helpline

A London telephone helpline is available for Wandsworth residents. Specialist advisors can guide you through the range of stop smoking support available to you. 

London Stop Smoking Helpline (telephone support only): 0300 123 1044

Lines are open seven days per week: Monday to Fridays from 9am to 8pm and on Saturday and Sunday between 11am and 4pm.

Visit the Stop Smoking London web portal to learn more about the choices you have to help you give up smoking. 

Related links

For further information:

Contact the Wandsworth Stop Smoking Team 

Freephone (24 hour): 0800 389 7921

Email: StopSmokingteam@wandsworth.gov.uk