Free vapes to support adult smokers
Published: Friday, May 17, 2024
- Come and have a chat with local health professionals about support available to help you quit smoking for good.
- Find out about the borough’s NEW Swap to Stop Scheme, which supports adult smokers who want to quit, to swap cigarettes for a free vape kit and behavioural support.
- Speak to a local pharmacist about general healthy lifestyle tips.
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If you keep finding yourself in a repeated stop-start smoking cycle, come along to the next Health Bus and you can speak to a friendly Stop Smoking Advisor about our free Swap to Stop Scheme.
The next Health Bus will take place:
- Date: Wednesday 22 May
- Time: 11.30am to 5.30pm
- Location: Totterdown Street, Tooting, SW17 8TA (outside Tooting market)
The next session at the customer reception area:
- Date: Wednesday 29 May
- Time: 10:00am – 1:00pm
- Location: The Customer Service Centre, Wandsworth High Street, London SW18 2PU.
The Scheme combines personalised behavioural advice with a free vape kit, a stop smoking aid that is far less harmful than cigarettes and can help you quit smoking for good. It is only available to adults who smoke regular and health experts advise that non-smokers should not start vaping.
You are four times more likely to stop smoking for good if you use a local stop smoking service to advise you on the right products to use and offer you regular support and information. If you do smoke, it is never too late to stop, and quitting has immediate benefits to your health, including improved breathing and lung function – your risk of heart attack is even reduced by half after only one year.
If you don’t smoke but would like helpful information for someone you know who does, or about your own health and wellbeing, a health professional will be on hand to offer tips on staying healthy and carry out a free blood pressure checks. A representative from Thinking Works will also be available to provide advice on maximising energy efficiency in your home.
If you are unable to attend the health bus on this day or would prefer a telephone chat with a Wandsworth Stop Smoking advisor, you can contact the team directly:
Freephone (24 hour): 0800 389 7921 or Email:
For more information on stop smoking services available in Wandsworth please visit: Help to stop smoking - Wandsworth Borough Council.