Financial hardship

There are various resources available for people who need further guidance or support due to financial hardship.

Crisis Assistance for food and fuel

Crisis Assistance provides support by way of supermarket vouchers that can be used for groceries and fuel vouchers for pre-payment meters, for people in greatest need.

More information on Crisis Assistance

Citizens Advice Wandsworth

Citizens Advice are working on behalf of Wandsworth Council to provide support to residents in need, including if you are in financial hardship. They offer hardship grants on behalf of other local funders and food vouchers.

Other helpful links

  • GOV.UK - detailed guides to benefits, but also on pensions and tax
  • Money Advice Service - a wide range of guides, tools and calculators to help people manage their money, and also a helpline and webchat
  • Turn 2 Us - information and support about welfare benefits and charitable grants through an accessible website and a freephone helpline
  • Debt Free London - a helpline and offer advice by other channels clients may end up being referred to us anyway
  • Advice now - a series of self-help guides on benefits and other legal issues