Life Skills and Wellbeing Opportunities Framework

The Life Skills and Wellbeing Opportunities Framework has been introduced to regularise and improve the provision of day services for people with a learning disability and/or autism in Wandsworth.

Aims and opportunities

Feedback from those who use services and their families and carers tells us that a key priority for many adults with a learning disability is to be able to learn new skills to prepare for work, gain paid employment and live and travel independently, so they achieve their full potential and lead active and fulfilling lives.

We are committed to working with local providers, service users and their families and carers to ensure there is a vibrant offer that promotes choice and enables people to achieve their potential and be as independent as possible. To do this, we have commissioned a procurement framework which will support us to deliver some of the key priorities of the Wandsworth Learning Disability Strategy (2021-2026).

The Framework was developed in collaboration with stakeholders and will enable a greater choice of support options and services, with a varied programme to meet a wide range of individual needs. This will include more flexible times including evenings and weekends, where appropriate, opportunities to learn skills in a variety of ways to suit people’s preferences and assurance that all providers meet certain standards and are reliable services to use.

For providers, the Framework presents an opportunity to work closely with us to design and deliver services that match the needs of individuals within the Borough. It will also offer a more regularised approach to service referrals and package arrangements, with an expectation that they will receive more information about individuals and the identified Care Act needs and outcomes required.

How it will work

New packages of support arranged on or after 1 October 2023 will be purchased from a provider on the framework. When a current care plan is reviewed, individuals can choose to stay with their existing provider if they meet their identified needs and outcomes, whether or not the provider is included in the framework. Individuals will be given a prospectus of the services and activities offered by providers on the framework to choose from in order to meet their eligible needs. If their current provider is not on the framework and they wish to remain with that provider, they will be offered a Direct Payment to buy the services of their choice.

Type of support available

Within the framework there are six ‘lots’. These were created to describe the different types of service available to eligible service users.

Details of each lot are listed below. In addition to these, there are a number of overarching expectations and requirements for all providers to ensure the quality of services provided.

Lot 1: Virtual support

The virtual support service will provide support remotely via a range of digital channels such as websites, apps, and social media. This will include support to access and use digital technology, as well as the delivery of live and interactive groups or individual sessions that are facilitated by a person remotely via video meetings or webchat, for example. This lot will also include an element of in-person support/training to enable people to use the technology available.

Lot 2: Community support

It is expected that community support will be delivered predominantly within the local community or universal settings and public spaces. The service will make best use of community facilities and resources and enable people to access group and individually based social opportunities. This may also include working collaboratively with partners and mainstream services to ensure mainstream services are as accessible as possible and that they make any reasonable adjustments required. We have not defined where these services should take place and providers will have the flexibility and choice to decide where they deliver their services from. This may be a designated place or different venues that may change depending on the activity.

Lot 3 - Home support

The Home Support service will provide support within a person’s own home or their family home, within the borough of Wandsworth. This service will support people to maintain, develop and implement skills at home that they have learnt within a community, specialist placed based or virtual environment or in the home. Providers will create, deliver and support skills development in home-based sessions for individuals, adapted to individual needs.

Lot 4 – Specialist place-based support

Specialist place-based services will operate from venues that are fully adapted and easily accessible for wheelchair users and people who need to make use of other specialist equipment. This service will also provide appropriate catering facilities for this client group, taking into account any individual dietary requirements. It will provide a designated place in the community that can meet people’s complex health and social care needs and also enable them to engage in meaningful activities that enhance their quality of life. It is likely that eligible service users will not be able to access services in the community easily and will require a highly adapted environment.

Read more about the transfer of services currently under this lot.

Lot 5 – Independent travel training

Independent travel training (ITT) will provide tailored and practical help which supports a person to develop the skills and confidence to travel more independently via public transport, taxis, on foot or by bike. 1:1 Support will be provided from a qualified travel trainer over a minimum of an 8 to 12 week (+) training programme, following the goals set out in the co-produced support plan.


The Life Skills and Wellbeing Opportunities Framework took effect on 1 October 2023.