Performance indicators

We use a variety of performance indicators to monitor how well our services are performing in meeting the needs of service users and to measure their efficiency and value for money.

Throughout the year our various Committees focus on a set of key indicators of performance (KPIs). These include a variety of indicators that relate to the delivery of our priorities.

These KPIs measure performance across a wide range of activity including: adult social care, children’s social care, education, housing, leisure services, libraries, climate change activity, and street cleansing. There are also a number of indicators which relate to activity carried out by our partners, particularly the health service and the police.

Challenging targets are also set for each indicator. We have a policy of striving to ensure that the services we provide perform amongst the best in London, and our targets are set accordingly.

Download the latest indicator data

View results for all the key performance indicators:

Each report also contains the previous financial year's performance data. An overall performance assessment is provided using 'traffic light' colours. This provides readers with a quick indication of those areas where performance has met target, and is still improving, and vice versa.

Open Council

We are committed to being an Open Council and this includes our performance - where we can we provide details of how we perform against all other London Boroughs across a range of key services.

Biennial residents' survey results

A residents' survey has been carried out in Wandsworth every two years since 2005. The aim of the survey is to assess residents' perceptions and experiences so as to inform council policy and strategies. The results of the surveys can be accessed using the links below.

Research reports

Research reports provide a simple account of all results gathered in the residents' survey.

More information

If you have any queries on these topline indicators please contact the Policy Team.
