Report fraud

We take the risk of fraud extremely seriously and work hard to prevent it.

Report a fraud

The South West London Fraud Partnership (SWLFP) is responsible for understanding and assessing fraud risks, preventing and detecting fraud and ensuring that appropriate sanctions are taken against those who commit fraud against us.

Please tell us if you have any concerns about fraudulent behaviour connected to the Council.

Benefit fraud

If you suspect any type of benefit fraud you should report it through theĀ National Benefit Fraud hotline.

Types of fraud

SWLFP can investigate fraud and corruption by members of the public, businesses, staff, partners or contractors, including:

  • Blue Badge fraud
  • Business rates fraud
  • Council Tax fraud
  • Council Tax Reduction fraud
  • Freedom Pass fraud
  • Grant fraud
  • Housing fraud
  • Insurance fraud
  • Internal (staff) fraud
  • Procurement fraud
  • School application fraud
  • Social care fraud
  • Theft of council property

Find out more about theĀ South West London Fraud Partnership.

Other types of fraud

Theft from the Council is theft against you. Help us to ensure that all spending goes on delivering and improving services.

We take the risk of fraud extremely seriously. If you know or suspect someone is committing fraud, bribery or corruption against the council, report it and let us do something about it.