Deferred entry to reception to later in the school year

Children are required by law to receive full-time education at the start of the school term following their fifth birthday but have the opportunity to start in the reception year in the September following their fourth birthday. All children will normally be admitted to the reception year at school in the September following their fourth birthday.

Your child will get the most from their reception education if they start at the same time as other children at the beginning of the school year.

Circumstances to defer entry

If you feel there are exceptional circumstances, you can defer your child's admission until later in the reception year. You can only defer your child's entry until he/she is of compulsory school age or the beginning of the summer term after Easter (whichever comes first).

Where entry is deferred, the school will hold the place for your child until the agreed start date.

You can also request that their child attends part-time until he/she reaches compulsory school age.

Requesting deferred entry 

If you are considering deferred entry or part-time attendance, we recommend you discuss this with the school first before making a formal request.

If you wish your child to continue at his/her nursery, you should also let the nursery know by 15 January 2024. Failure to do so may mean that the nursery place is offered to another child for September.

You must still apply at the normal time even if you wish to defer entry. If you decide you do wish to defer entry until later in the school year, you should contact the school in writing after you have been offered a place.