Apply for a paperless visitor permit

At this time resident visitor scratchcards are available by post and there is a limited availability for in person applications, by appointment only.  Alternatively you may utilise the option of paperless visitor permits.

How to apply

To apply for a paperless visitor permit you will need to check you are eligible and make sure you have the necessary documents.

You will need to apply online for this permit.

Apply online

To apply online you must have a parking account with us.

If you: 

To access your online account, you will need to know your username and password.

If you have forgotten your password you can reset it. If you have forgotten your username please call us on 020 8871 8871 and we will be able to help.

You will need to provide proof of residence to confirm your entitlement to hold an account, unless you already hold a valid resident permit.

Resident permit holders

Resident permit holders have access to buy paperless visitor permits whilst they hold a valid parking permit and do not need to make an application for paperless visitor permits.

Non resident permit holders

Non resident permit holders cannot buy any paperless visitor permits until proof of residence has been verified and the application for an account is authorised.

Once an account is authorised the option to buy and activate paperless visitor permits as required will be available.

Non-resident permit holders will be required to renew their account every 12 months to confirm continued eligibility.

Apply online at the Customer Centre

We are taking the necessary steps to ensure our employees and service provision are safe and the self service area is currently out of service.

Appointments can be made by contacting the Contact Centre on 0208 871-8871 or using Webchat on the relevant pages on our website. Online applications are preferred, and where appropriate, staff will assist customers in completing their applications online.

If attending for an appointment, you will need to bring the required documents with you.

How to pay

Permits are purchased by 'topping up' your account. You can pay for a permit online in advance and activate it when required. Any payment made for PVPs is not refundable.

How to use the permit

To activate a paperless visitor permit you will need to sign into your account and select the Buy/Use Vouchers tab. Paperless visitor permits must be bought in advance of activation.

The registration number of the relevant vehicle must be entered to activate the permit and the applicable date selected.

You may deactivate a paperless visitor permit if it is no longer required. Deactivation of a paperless visitor permit must be actioned by 11.59pm the day before the permit is activated for in order to return the credit to your account. 

Each activated permit is only valid for one day in the sub-zone in which you live and is only valid for one vehicle.


If you have any questions about parking permits, use our online form to Make a parking enquiry.

Got a question?

Web chat available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm