Last chance for community groups to seek a Platinum Jubilee grant
Published: Friday, May 20, 2022
Time is fast running out for local groups and organisations to apply for a share of the council’s £20,000 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Micro-Grant Fund.
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To commemorate the 70th Anniversary of Her Majesty the Queen's accession to the throne, a £20,000 fund has been established which provides grants of between £250 to £500 to support community-run jubilee-related events and up to £1,000 to deliver larger legacy projects to mark this historic royal anniversary.
But the deadline to apply for a grant is this coming Monday, May 23 – so groups will need to act quickly to apply if they haven’t already done so.
Events should be inclusive and creative to bring residents together over the four-day Jubilee Bank Holiday between June 2 and June 5. Legacy projects could include producing a community mural or enhancing a public space or garden.
To qualify for a Jubilee grant proposed projects must also have other additional funding or in-kind donations.
- More than 200 street parties are planned across Wandsworth in May and June to celebrate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. In total 224 street parties are being held to mark this historic occasion after the council waived the usual £60 fee for organising a road closure.