Create and Learn Playkits (2021-2022)

Being creative can feel like magic. Throughout 2020 we worked with a group of Wandsworth creative organisations to put together a range of creative resources and materials for families with children aged 6-10 years old in response to the pandemic.

With these creative kits we wanted to ensure that children can make some magic happen in their own homes. Draw a picture, build a model, write a poem…

Many families simply do not have scissors, glue, crayons etc in their house. It is hard to be creative when you are worrying about your next meal.

In 2020 the partnership distributed over 5000 free kits to families in need in order to bring creativity into the heart of family homes across Wandsworth.

In February 2021, the Create & Learn PlayKits won the national Hearts for the Arts Award for Best Arts Project for providing thousands of children in Wandsworth with resources in a “really heart-warming and simple example of what a big impact small targeted local initiative can achieve.” (Mariella Frostrup)

These kits provide children with activities to encourage them to play, engage with nature and their local environment, support the development of a positive mental and emotional health, and materials to support them to be creative at home.

The kits include a quality sketchbook designed by an artist, featuring a range of creative activities and ideas, with plenty of blank pages for the children’s own artwork.

Create and Learn Playkits Trailer

Summer sketchbook

Building upon the success of the scheme and following consultation with headteachers, the partnership created a new kit for summer 2021 - a sketchbook of creative activities to enable children age 6-10 to engage in a summer of creative play.

In July 2021, 4000 6-10 year olds received kits through Wandsworth schools, and the sketchbook is now available to download, so even more children can get creative.

Download activities


Alongside dedicated volunteers we have worked with:

Funding and donations

As well as council funding, donations were provided by: 

The project was also funded through a crowdfunding campaign to which the public generously contributed £17,500.