Prevention framework to promote good health

The Prevention Framework 2021-2025 promotes the London Borough of Wandsworth as a public health organisation.

About the prevention framework

The prevention framework model has at its centre the aim of embedding prevention as a system delivery tool to promote health and to reduce health inequalities. It does this at three interconnecting levels within a system — people, community, and environment. 

The key objectives of the prevention framework are to:

  1. Deliver an evidence-based approach to prevention to support the wider Council to strengthen delivery of prevention through its work,
  2. Facilitate making the healthy choice, the easy choice,
  3. Support a tailored approach to prevention,
  4. Connect with policies and initiatives to enable prevention work to be sustainable, and
  5. Create supportive communities and health-promoting environments.

The prevention framework was developed in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and a shift to an Integrated Care System across the NHS, local authorities, voluntary sector and community partners locally. This shift significantly elevated prevention of ill-health and reducing health inequalities as key priorities across the health and care sector and encompasses action on wider determinants.

It outlines the principles, delivery mechanisms and metrics of how we can achieve this.

Download the prevention framework