Preparing for adulthood

Moving into adulthood can be an exciting time of new opportunities, choices and increasing independence. However, it can also be a worrying time as you move on from familiar people, services and places to face new challenges and responsibilities.

What transition means

If you are a young person with special educational needs or a disability, when we talk about transition, we mean the change from being a teenager to being an adult, and from moving on from children's services to adult services.

During this period you may experience changes in lots of areas of your life.

Changes in your life

These changes may include:

  • Leaving education
  • Thinking about starting a job or work experience
  • Changes to their state benefits and finances
  • Moving into new accommodation
  • Changes to health and medical services
  • Changes in any social care support
  • Changes to personal relationships

Watch our short video on what transitions means. Read the video transcript