FOI request details



Subject: Nationally Described Space Standards

Reference: WBC-FOI-00811

1. Have you adopted the Nationally Described Space Standard in your local plans or planning guidance?

  • If so, please provide the date it was adopted.

  • If not, do you have any plans to adopt it, and if so, by when are you planning to adopt it?

    2. Do you use any alternative space standards in your local plans or planning guidance?

  • Please provide details of the space standard in use, including the origin such as HQI.

    3. If you are using space standards, do you have data on the rate of compliance for new dwellings for up to the last 10 years?


Full Disclosure - 28 February 2023

1. Have you adopted the Nationally Described Space Standard in your local plans or planning guidance?

Yes - Development Management Plan Document 2016.

  • If so, please provide the date it was adopted.

    March 2016

  • If not, do you have any plans to adopt it, and if so, by when are you planning to adopt it?


    2. Do you use any alternative space standards in your local plans or planning guidance?


  • Please provide details of the space standard in use, including the origin such as HQI.


    3. If you are using space standards, do you have data on the rate of compliance for new dwellings for up to the last 10 years?


Please note that our responses were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of release, and have not subsequently been updated. This information should be considered an historical record only.