FOI request details



Subject: Chelsea Hall School

Reference: WBC-FOI-00670

Are the children in that school safe?

Are the individuals associated with this, fit and proper persons to work with kids from that background?

What steps has the Council taken to ensure that kids in this school are safe?

What steps has the local authority taken to hold, supervise and hold management to account in situations like this?

What steps has the council taken to prevent such racial bogus stereotypes being directed to parents at this school?


None Disclosed - 6 February 2023

Request for Information - WBC-FOI-00670 - Chelsea Hall School

I refer to your request for information received on 03 February 2023. Please see the information below in response to your request: -

Your Request:

Are the children in that school safe?

Are the individuals associated with this, fit and proper persons to work with kids from that background?

What steps has the Council taken to ensure that kids in this school are safe?

What steps has the local authority taken to hold, supervise and hold management to account in situations like this?

What steps has the council taken to prevent such racial bogus stereotypes being directed to parents at this school?

Our Response:

Please note that Wandsworth Council does not hold this information. Chelsea Hall School is an independent school that is not featured on the S41 list of approved schools by the Department for Education. The school is not maintained or managed by Wandsworth Council. Therefore, you may wish to re-direct your request to Chelsea Hall School.

If you are dissatisfied with the information provided in relation to your request, you may make representations to the Information and Transparency Manager. Any such request for an internal review should be made within 40 days from today's date. Correspondence should be addressed to:

If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision at:


FOI and DPA Officer

Please note that our responses were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of release, and have not subsequently been updated. This information should be considered an historical record only.