FOI request details



Subject: Return home interviews

Reference: WBC-FOI-00645

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act and I would like to receive the following information from your Local Authority:

1.How many children (under 18) were reported missing in your local authority area for the years:

a) 2019/20

b) 2020/21

c) 2021/22

2.How many individual children did the above relate to? I expect that you will have multiple reports involving the same child.

a) 2019/20

b) 2020/21

c) 2021/22

3. How many return home interviews did you complete within 72 hours of a missing episode, for a child (under 18) for the years:

a) 2019/20

b) 2020/21

c) 2021/22

4. In relation to Q3 how many individual children did this relate to for the following years:

a) 2019/20

b) 2020/21

c) 2021/22

5. How many of the children in Q4 declined a return home interview in the following years:

a) 2019/20

b) 2020/21

c) 2021/22

6. How many children in your local authority area who went missing were in your care i.e looked after children for the years:

a) 2019/20

b) 2020/21

c) 2021/22

7. In relation to Q6 how many missing episodes did this total for the following years:

a) 2019/20

b) 2020/21

c) 2021/22

8. How many looked after children, who were placed outside your local authority area, went missing in the years:

a) 2019/20

b) 2020/21

c) 2021/22

9.In relation to Q8 how many missing episodes did this add up to in total for the following years:

a) 2019/20

b) 2020/21

c) 2021/22

10. How many return interviews did you complete within 72 hours of a missing episode for children in your care for the years:

a) 2019/20

b) 2020/21

c) 2021/22

11.In relation to Q10 how many individual children did this relate to in the following years:

a) 2019/20

b) 2020/21

c) 2021/22

12. How many of the children in Q11 declined a return home interview in the following years:

a) 2019/20

b) 2020/21

c) 2021/22

13. How many return interviews did you complete within 72 hours of a missing episode, for children in your care placed outside of your local authority area for the years:

a) 2019/20

b) 2020/21

c) 2021/22

14. In relation to Q13 how many individual children did this relate to for the years:

a) 2019/20

b) 2020/21

c) 2021/22

15. How many of the children in Q14 declined a return home interview in the following years:

a) 2019/20

b) 2020/21

c) 2021/22

16.How many children have not yet been found for the years:

a) 2019/20

b) 2020/21

c) 2021/22


Full Disclosure - 15 February 2023

Request for Information - WBC-FOI-00645 - Return home interviews

I refer to your request for information received on 02 February 2023. Please see the information below in response to your request: -

1.How many children (under 18) were reported missing in your local authority area for the years:

a) 2019/20 - 856

b) 2020/21 - 608

c) 2021/22 - 689

2.How many individual children did the above relate to? I expect that you will have multiple reports involving the same child.

a) 2019/20 - 226

b) 2020/21 - 192

c) 2021/22 - 211

3. How many return home interviews did you complete within 72 hours of a missing episode, for a child (under 18) for the years:

a) 2019/20 - 816

b) 2020/21 - 600

c) 2021/22 - 675

4. In relation to Q3 how many individual children did this relate to for the following years:

a) 2019/20 - 216

b) 2020/21 - 190

c) 2021/22 - 209

5. How many of the children in Q4 declined a return home interview in the following years:

a) 2019/20 - 124

b) 2020/21 - 106

c) 2021/22 - 143

6. How many children in your local authority area who went missing were in your care i.e looked after children for the years:

a) 2019/20 - 78

b) 2020/21 - 60

c) 2021/22 - 65

7. In relation to Q6 how many missing episodes did this total for the following years:

a) 2019/20 - 541

b) 2020/21 - 378

c) 2021/22 - 347

8. How many looked after children, who were placed outside your local authority area, went missing in the years:

a) 2019/20 - 47

b) 2020/21 - 38

c) 2021/22 - 38

9.In relation to Q8 how many missing episodes did this add up to in total for the following years:

a) 2019/20 - 373

b) 2020/21 - 216

c) 2021/22 - 190

10. How many return interviews did you complete within 72 hours of a missing episode for children in your care for the years:

a) 2019/20 - 289

b) 2020/21 - 169

c) 2021/22 - 149

11.In relation to Q10 how many individual children did this relate to in the following years:

a) 2019/20 - 60

b) 2020/21 - 47

c) 2021/22 - 44

12. How many of the children in Q11 declined a return home interview in the following years:

a) 2019/20 - 44

b) 2020/21 - 34

c) 2021/22 - 30

13. How many return interviews did you complete within 72 hours of a missing episode, for children in your care placed outside of your local authority area for the years:

a) 2019/20 - 183

b) 2020/21 - 111

c) 2021/22 - 102

14. In relation to Q13 how many individual children did this relate to for the years:

a) 2019/20 - 35

b) 2020/21 - 29

c) 2021/22 - 26

15. How many of the children in Q14 declined a return home interview in the following years:

a) 2019/20 - 26

b) 2020/21 - 20

c) 2021/22 - 17

16.How many children have not yet been found for the years:

a) 2019/20 - 0

b) 2020/21 - 0

c) 2021/22 - 0

I hope this information meets your needs. If you do not understand the information provided or wish to discuss anything further, please feel free to contact us.

Please note, all material provided by the Council in response to your request for information is for your personal, non-commercial use. The Council reserves all rights in the copyright of the information provided. Any unauthorised copying or adaptation of the information without express written confirmation from The Council may constitute an infringement of copyright. Any intention to re-use this information commercially may require consent. Please forward any requests for re-use of information to the FOI officer.

If you are dissatisfied with the information provided in relation to your request, you may make representations to the Information and Transparency Manager. Any such request for an internal review should be made within 40 days from today's date. Correspondence should be addressed to:

If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision at:


FOI and DPA Officer

Please note that our responses were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of release, and have not subsequently been updated. This information should be considered an historical record only.