FOI request details



Subject: Blacklists

Reference: WBC-FOI-00632

I am writing to request publication of any blacklists which the

council may operate.

This would include (but not exclusive to)

- serial complainers

- violent/aggressive/abusive persons

- troublemakers

- campaigners/activists

I would also request information on the distribution/circulation of

these lists.

In order to avoid any further confusion let me make clear that my FOI request is for copies of redacted copies of the register which only state the reasons why an individual was added to the blacklist, the categorisation of risk attached to that (eg low, medium, high), and how long they were placed on the list for.

I am not looking for any information which would identify the individual or in any way lead to their data being breached.

As an example I am attaching an example of disclosure under the FOIA which was made by the London Borough of Hillingdon - and which you can see for yourselves by visiting:

I am writing to request publication of any blacklists which the

council may operate.

This would include (but not exclusive to)

- serial complainers

- violent/aggressive/abusive persons

- troublemakers

- campaigners/activists

I would also request information on the distribution/circulation of

these lists.


Part Disclosed - 2 March 2023

Request for Information - WBC-FOI-00632 - Blacklists

I refer to your request for information received on 01 February 2023. Please see the information below and attached in response to your request: -

Your Request:

I am writing to request publication of any blacklists which the

council may operate.

This would include (but not exclusive to)

- serial complainers

- violent/aggressive/abusive persons

- troublemakers

- campaigners/activists

I would also request information on the distribution/circulation of

these lists.

In order to avoid any further confusion let me make clear that my FOI request is for copies of redacted copies of the register which only state the reasons why an individual was added to the blacklist, the categorisation of risk attached to that (eg low, medium, high), and how long they were placed on the list for.

I am not looking for any information which would identify the individual or in any way lead to their data being breached.

As an example I am attaching an example of disclosure under the FOIA which was made by the London Borough of Hillingdon - and which you can see for yourselves by visiting:

I am writing to request publication of any blacklists which the

council may operate.

This would include (but not exclusive to)

- serial complainers

- violent/aggressive/abusive persons

- troublemakers

- campaigners/activists

I would also request information on the distribution/circulation of

these lists.

Our Response:

Please see the list attached which shows the data held. This information covers both Wandsworth and Richmond as one database is used across the 2 boroughs. Please note that the information we hold is listed by incident and not by individuals. Please also note that incidents listed here with historical dates are linked to newer incidents. There are 747 cases. Old cases are removed on a 3 monthly basis following an organisation wide review process.

Please be aware that the incidents recorded are linked to a risk to staff from these offence categories in most cases, rather than staff suffering sexual offences or assaults. These incidents / cases are recorded as a result of information available to the Council teams. Safety actions and information are shared internally to reduce the risk of staff harm from a known threat.

Further details held have been removed under Section 38 - Health and Safety of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, as we consider the release of this information could endanger the safety of an individual included on the list or a member of Council staff.

We have also redacted all personal information under Section 40 (2)(b) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, as releasing personal information relating to other individuals would breach the Data Protection principles. Please note that this is an absolute exemption under the Freedom of Information Act and therefore the public interest test does not apply.

This response acts as a partial refusal of your request.

I hope this information meets your needs. If you do not understand the information provided or wish to discuss anything further, please feel free to contact us.

Please note, all material provided by the Council in response to your request for information is for your personal, non-commercial use. The Council reserves all rights in the copyright of the information provided. Any unauthorised copying or adaptation of the information without express written confirmation from The Council may constitute an infringement of copyright. Any intention to re-use this information commercially may require consent. Please forward any requests for re-use of information to the FOI officer.

If you are dissatisfied with the information provided in relation to your request, you may make representations to the Information and Transparency Manager. Any such request for an internal review should be made within 40 days from today's date. Correspondence should be addressed to:

If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision at:


FOI and DPA Officer


This response includes the following files:

Please note that our responses were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of release, and have not subsequently been updated. This information should be considered an historical record only.