FOI request details



Subject: Lobbying for climate action & funding

Reference: WBC-FOI-00453

I would like information about your council's lobbying work in relation to climate action for the Council Climate Action Scorecards. In particular, please supply me with information relating to the following question:

Has the council written to or met with UK national or devolved governments to ask or lobby for climate action since 1st January 2019? Please provide some evidence of the most recent letter or meeting such as a copy of the letter or email sent, or the date, topic of meeting and position of the person that the meeting was held with.

This includes either asking for more powers and funding for local authorities to take climate action, or asking for the government to take further action themselves. This includes working with other local authorities to send joint letters or meetings to lobby UK or devolved governments, and includes both general climate action and calls for action on specific issues such as transport where climate change is mentioned as a motivating factor for taking action.

This includes if a cabinet member or other councillor has written to or met with the UK or devolved governments on behalf of the council.


Part Disclosed - 13 February 2023

In May 2022, a letter was sent to BEIS requesting an extension of Green Homes Grant funding.

In July 2021, a letter was sent to BEIS outlining the need for improved financing and flexibility re social housing retrofit.

In addition to this direct contact, Wandsworth has also been part of lobbying from London Councils in the form of joint letters and statements made by London Councils on behalf of all London Boroughs.

In December 2022, a response to the Skidmore Review looking at net zero was submitted, which spoke about how action towards net zero is a key pillar of supporting and enabling economic growth. We know that in London, boroughs are beginning to deliver placemaking projects and convening local investment to support a smooth, just transition to a net zero economy while also delivering thriving local neighbourhoods where people can live, play, study, train, work and invest.

London Councils has undertaken extensive lobbying of Government, the Deputy Mayor for Transport and senior TfL staff, highlighting the issues boroughs face and calling for a longer-term (three-year) settlement that includes ringfenced funding for boroughs.

London Councils also submitted a response to DEFRA's Environmental Targets consultation in May 2022.

Please find the letters attached. Please note that personal data has been redacted in accordance with S40 of the FOI Act.


This response includes the following files:

Please note that our responses were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of release, and have not subsequently been updated. This information should be considered an historical record only.