FOI request details



Subject: Section 106 spending

Reference: WBC-FOI-00329

Can you please provide a breakdown of how section 106 contributions were spent in the last two years (by which I mean Jan-Dec 2021 and Jan-Dec 2022)?

I would like this breakdown to include:

- How many separate contributions were made in each year

- How much money was contributed overall

- How much of each contribution was spent, or is earmarked to be spent, specifically on building houses

- How much of each contribution was spent elsewhere

- How much of each contribution has not been spent with no concrete plans as to where it will be allocated


Part Disclosed - 14 February 2023

Your Request:

Can you please provide a breakdown of how section 106 contributions were spent in the last two years (by which I mean Jan-Dec 2021 and Jan-Dec 2022)?

I would like this breakdown to include:

- How many separate contributions were made in each year

- How much money was contributed overall

- How much of each contribution was spent, or is earmarked to be spent, specifically on building houses

- How much of each contribution was spent elsewhere

- How much of each contribution has not been spent with no concrete plans as to where it will be allocated

Our Response:

Question Financial Year 2020/21* Financial Year 2021/22* Comments

1 32 65 Number of obligations received

2 £15,988,796.79 £119,151,347.05 Amounts of all obligations received

3 £351,485.31 £200,000.00 An additional amount of £150,000.00 is earmarked to be spent in a future date

4 £688,799.76 £104,794,112.94 Amounts of Non-Affordable Housing contributions received in 2020/21 & 2021/22 and spent in 2020/21 & 2021/22

5 £14,704,931.09 £12,802,839.82 Amounts of Affordable Housing and Non-Affordable Housing contributions received in 2020/21 & 2021/22 and NOT spent in 2020/21 & 2021/22

*The information is held in financial years rather than calendar years as per the FOI request. Data for financial year 2022/23 is not available yet.

The adopted Local Plan which deals with affordable housing is the Development Management Policies Document (adopted 2016). On site provision of affordable housing is required by Policy DMH8. Exceptional circumstances - agreed between the developer and the Council - may dictate that a financial contribution ('commuted sum') is sought in lieu of on-site provision. This would contribute towards providing opportunities to deliver or enable access to affordable housing elsewhere to meet such housing needs. A similar approach is taken in the emerging Local Plan, at Policy LP23. This new Plan is expected to be adopted later this year.

Please note that our responses were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of release, and have not subsequently been updated. This information should be considered an historical record only.