FOI request details



Subject: Public Records

Reference: WBC-FOI-00320

Regarding S106 agreements granted from 1st January 2005 and 31st December 2010, please provide the following information:

  • Funds received?

  • Funds allocated?

  • Funds spent, and on what?

  • Funds unspent?

  • Funds repaid?


Part Disclosed - 22 February 2023

Request for Information - WBC-FOI-00320 - Public Records

I refer to your request for information received on 03 January 2023. Please see the information below in response to your request: -

Regarding S106 agreements granted from 1st January 2005 and 31st December 2010, please provide the following information:

  • Funds received?

    £26,421,280.64 (Funds may have been received outside of period in questions, as trigger for payment may be some time after signing of the agreement that secured it.)

  • Funds allocated?


  • Funds spent, and on what?

    £15,152,117.87 (Please see below a List of projects associated with this expenditure.)

  • Funds unspent?


  • Funds repaid?

    The Council does not hold this data.


    06/0001/W/CS - Battersea Reach - CCTV Works

    06/0002/W/NETH - Viridian Apartments - Highway Works

    07/0002/W/CS - 2-6 Hardwicks Way - CCTV Cameras

    07/0004/W/TH - Point Pleasant & Osiers Road - Footway & Highway Works

    07/0007/W/TH - 140-150 Garratt Lane - Footway Reinstatement & Trees

    08/0002/W/TH - Falcon Wharf - Inspections

    08/0004/W/TH - Bridges Wharf - Inspections

    09/0001/W/TH - Neville Gill Close pedestrian zone

    09/0002/W/TH - 81 - 85 St Johns Hill - Highway Works

    09/0003/W/TH - KFH House - Footway Works

    09/0004/W/TH - Jews Row - Footway Works

    09/0005/W/TH - 2-6 Hardwicks Way - Inspections

    09/0006/W/TH - 63 - 65 Garratt Lane - Highway Works

    09/0007/W/NEEM - Job Shop 2008/09 - Local Employment Agreement Implementation

    09/0009/W/TH - 249-251 Merton Road - Footway Replacement Works

    09/0010/W/TH - Builders Yard, Magdalen Rd - Highway & Footway Works

    10/0001/W/NEEM - Job Shop 2009/10 - Local Employment Agreement Implementation

    10/0004/W/TH - 330 Garratt Lane - Off-Site Highway Works

    10/0005/W/TH - South Thames College Wandsworth - Highways Works

    10/0008/W/TH - Point Pleasant & Osiers Road works

    11/0002/W/EM - Job Shop 2010/11 - Local Employment Agreement Implementation

    11/0003/W/TH - Battersea Reach - Inspections

    11/0004/W/TH - 89 - 91 St Johns Hill - Footway Improvement Works

    11/0005/W/TH - Sainsbury's Garratt Lane Repairing and Landscaping Works

    11/0006/W/TH - 1-20 Enterprise Way - Inspections

    11/0007/W/TH - 1-20 Enterprise Way - Controlled Parking Zone

    11/0008/W/TH - Griffon House & Lanner House - Footway Works

    11/0009/W/PR - Griffon House & Lanner House - Public Realm improvements

    11/0010/W/TH - 118 Putney Bridge Rd - Footway Works & Car Club Space

    11/0012/W/TH - 131-133 Fountain Road - Highway Improvement Works

    11/0013/W/TH - Charterhouse Works - Pedestrian Footpath

    12/0002/W/EM - Job Shop 2011/12 - Local Employment Agreement Implementation

    12/0007/W/TH - 6-28 Gwynne Road - Footway Works

    12/0009/W/TH - Caius House - Streetscape Works

    13/0001/W/CS - Enhanced Security at the Former Maltese Cat PH, Aubyn Square

    13/0002/W/TH - 130-138 Garratt Lane - Footway Works

    13/0006/W/TH - Wandsworth Town Station - New Entrance (2013)

    13/0008/W/TH - St Georges Grove - G1 Bus Service frequency

    13/0009/W/TH - St George's Grove - Highway Works & Pedestrian/Cycle Route

    13/0010/W/TH - Lombard Road - Local Bus Enhancements

    13/0011/W/TH - Land between 45 Brenda Rd and 30 Langroyd Rd - Footway Works

    13/0014/W/TH - Earlsfield Station Improvements

    13/0015/W/TH - Queen Mary's Hospital - CPZ work

    13/0016/W/TH - Queen Mary's Hospital - Access Ways

    14/0001/W/AF - Affordable Housing Programme 2013/14

    14/0009/W/POS - Wandsworth Park Play Area

    14/0010/W/TH - Ralph West Hall - Vehicle crossovers and footway reconstruction

    14/0011/W/TH - Albert Park Road - Zebra Crossing

    14/0012/W/TH - Cockpen House, Buckhold Road - Footway Works & CCTV

    14/0016/W/TH - 1,2,3 St Nicholas Glebe - Footway Works

    14/0017/W/POS - Falcon Terrace Pocket Park

    14/0018/W/TH - Caius House - Car Club Bay

    14/0020/W/TH - Merton Road - Bus Countdown Panels

    14/0021/W/TH - Garratt Lane - Bus Countdown Panel

    14/0022/W/POS - The Pleasance - Natural Play Space

    14/0023/W/TH - Queen Mary's Hospital - Sustainable Travel to School

    14/0024/W/TH - Fairlight Road - Car Club Space

    15/0005/W/EM - Work Match 2014/15 - Local Employment Agreement Implementation

    15/0009/W/NETH - Vauxhall Station Upgrade

    15/0010/W/NETH - Nine Elms to Vauxhall - Additional Bus Capacity

    15/0011/W/NETH - Nine Elms/Vauxhall - Additional Taxi Infrastructure

    15/0012/W/NETH - Nine Elms/Vauxhall - Cycle Hire Scheme

    15/0014/W/PR - Battersea Reach - Riverside Walk Signs

    15/0015/W/TH - Bus Route No. 44 - Increasing bus frequency

    15/0017/W/TH - Jews Row - Footpath Adoption

    15/0022/W/TH - 3-9 Broomhill Road - Footways

    16/0002/W/AF - Affordable Housing Programme 2015/16

    16/0005/W/EM - Work Match 2015/16 - Local Employment Agreement Implementation

    16/0006/W/NEPOS - Battersea Park - Queenstown Road Gate

    16/0007/W/NEPOS - Battersea Park - New Playground

    16/0016/W/CS - Wandsworth Business Village - CCTV

    17/0004/W/POS - Battersea Park - Ethelburga Gate entrance

    17/0006/W/POS - King George's Park Management Plan

    17/0007/W/POS - King George's Park Improvements

    17/0016/W/TH - Battersea Reach - Cycle Hire Scheme

    18/0002/W/TH - Pier Terrace Improvements

    18/0004/W/TH - Rosenau Road - Raised Table adjacent to Jagger House

    18/0006/W/EM - Work Match 2017/18 - Local Employment Agreement Implementation

    18/0007/W/AF - Affordable Housing Programme 2017/18

    19/0008/W/AF - Affordable Housing Programme 2018/19

    19/0009/W/EM - Work Match 2018/19 - Local Employment Agreement Implementation

    20/0001/W/CS - CCTV Control Room

    20/0002/W/CS - Boroughwide CCTV Replacement Project

    20/0005/W/TH - Garratt Lane - Pedestrian, cycling and public realm improvements

    20/0006/W/TH - Wandsworth Bridge Refurbishment and other works.

    20/0007/W/TH - Network Rail Wandsworth Town Station Improvements Feasibility Study

    20/0008/W/TH - Thames Clipper Services Enhancement

    20/0009/W/TH - Wandsworth One Way System

    20/0010/W/POS - Harroway Gardens - Redesign and landscape

    20/0013/W/TH - Bus Route 485 extension - Transfer to Transport for London

    20/0018/W/POS - Wandsworth Park - Playground refurbishment

    21/0005/W/TH - 2020/21 LIP replacement funding project

    21/0009/W/TH - Countdown Contributions transfer to Transport for London 2021/22

    21/0012/W/NETH - Nine Elms Legible London

    21/0019/W/TH - Officers Post Inspections

    22/0003/W/MF - S106 Monitoring 2021/22

    22/0004/W/AF - Sphere Walk - Shuttleworth Road

    I hope this information meets your needs. If you do not understand the information provided or wish to discuss anything further, please feel free to contact us.

    Please note, all material provided by the Council in response to your request for information is for your personal, non-commercial use. The Council reserves all rights in the copyright of the information provided. Any unauthorised copying or adaptation of the information without express written confirmation from The Council may constitute an infringement of copyright. Any intention to re-use this information commercially may require consent. Please forward any requests for re-use of information to the FOI officer.

    If you are dissatisfied with the information provided in relation to your request, you may make representations to the Information and Transparency Manager. Any such request for an internal review should be made within 40 days from today's date. Correspondence should be addressed to:

    If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision at:


    FOI and DPA Officer

Please note that our responses were accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of release, and have not subsequently been updated. This information should be considered an historical record only.