How to challenge a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)

How we deal with your challenge

We have a legal obligation to consider a formal representation.

If we accept the formal representation, a Notice of Acceptance will be sent to you and the PCN will be cancelled.

If we reject the formal representation, a Notice of Rejection will be issued to you, together with an appeal form to enable an appeal to be made to an Environment and Traffic Adjudicator.

If we reject a formal representation then the full amount of the PCN will be due.

The Environment and Traffic Adjudicators

  • An experienced lawyer who is independent of the council will consider your case
  • You cannot appeal to the Environment and Traffic Adjudicator until we have told you that your representations have been rejected
  • You may choose whether to attend the hearing in person or deal with it by post
  • The Adjudicator's decision is final and binding upon both you and us
  • For details on where to attend a personal hearing, visit the London Tribunals website