Managing our town centres

In order to sustain the vitality and viability of our town centres, we and our partners have developed business plans for each of our five town centres based on the following principles:

  • Involving and communicating with residents, business, investors, employees and partners
  • Promoting the borough by creating an attractive sustainable environment, better infrastructure and a positive climate for private sector investment and by taking and creating opportunities to draw attention to local achievements and attractions
  • Managing and developing the borough's amenities so that there is a safe and attractive environment with a rich choice for housing, work and leisure
  • Enabling local people and business to benefit from the opportunities to enjoy life in the borough through good education, relevant training, accessible information and advice, and ease of travel
  • Working with other Council departments and agencies who provide services within the town centres to promote town centre interests and to encourage high standards in the delivery of these services.

Town centre activities

For each of the town centres, we have appointed a town centre manager to support partnerships with the public, private and voluntary sectors which enhance and sustain the vitality and viability of each town centre.

There are three core areas of activity for the town centre partnerships:


To create a positive environment that enhances the town centre and secures investment to ensure the town centres' long term future.


To ensure the janitorial functions operate effectively and efficiently, and a safe and clean environment is available for all town centre users.


To promote and publicise the town centre to ensure that the right message is delivered to the right people at the right time.