Housing and equalities

We are fully committed to equality in the provision of our services and in our role as an employer, and meeting our obligations under equalities legislation. We ensure that services and employment opportunities are accessible to all.

Housing service standards

Our Housing service standards include standards in relation to equal opportunity and service delivery, which complement our policies on equality.

They give information on the service you can expect as a tenant, leaseholder or housing applicant. They also tell you what the housing and community services department monitors and reports performance on to make sure we are meeting the standards. 

Equalities analysis

To ensure we are providing services on an equitable basis to all sections of the community, annual monitoring reports are completed on the delivery of housing services, and regular monitoring is in place throughout the year.

Monitoring reports include the ethnic origin and gender of people accessing housing advice, homelessness, temporary accommodation services, applicants on the Council’s housing queues and applicants granted a tenancy. We also produce an annual monitoring report on the resident profile of our tenants.

This page contains equalities analysis for the past three years. If you would like a copy of earlier information please email housingandregenerationdirectorate@wandsworth.gov.uk.

Housing advice, homelessness and provision of temporary accommodation

Lettings and housing department queues

Resident Profile

Equality Impact Needs Assessments

View Equality Impact Needs Assessments